Sunday, November 4, 2007

Tagged lagik?!

This time i've been tagged by my cousin, Angah. So, here it goes......

8 RanDoM FacTs / HaBiTs 'BouT Me..
* i'm addicted to computer games - MAYBE. i was once addicted to THE SIMS. sgt best itu game. tp bile ade sims2 lgsg tk lyn sbb da 3d. n O2jam. i like~
* when i droped a book, i'll pick it n touch it to my head - hurm. naah. Al-Quran je letak kat dahi. but when i do really drop my book then, i'll just hurrily pick it up back.
* 2 hard 2 forgive n forget - easy to forgive but hard to forget. dat's the real ME!!
* once u b my friends, u'll b alwayz in my heart - yeah.. heart u babes!! but once u backstabbed me, then u'll realize i'm the worst person in this world. ye ke? haha.
* yup i know.. i'm not pretty - and dat's why he doesn't even care to look at me. pity me. yea ..i know. u dn hv to remind me >.< * family comes first - always DO!!
* i'm 2 unpredictable - some say i'm predictable n some say the opposite. all i know is dat i'm just being myself.
* 2 fragile n 2 sensitive - fragile? no! sensitive? dn think so. hurm.. *tgh berpikir lagi nih*
* 8 people i'm going to tag -

oppsieee... tak cukup 8 plak. lantaklaa...

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