Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Saya di-Tag oleh cik Dyane.


This linky love trail rules:-
When you got tagged, you have to add your name to people who had done

the tag and and let the list grow!

Those Who Dunnit
Farah (me)
Bani gundu
hana ni mo nai


First Name - Nurazimah
Nickname - adik, azeem, zimah, imah, im, jiji, jimah, jimoh
Name you wish you had - no idea.
What do people normally mistake your name as - ade ke? takde kot?
Birthday - 12 November 1986
Birthplace - HBKL
Time of Birth - 9.32 am.
Parents together or divorced - alhamdulillah masih bersama^^
Get along with them - sangat sangat!!
Single or taken - single but NI
Zodiac sign - scorpio

-Your Appearance-

How tall are you - 15sumthing cm.
Wish you were taller - ntah. rase cm nak jadik manusia kecil. cm comel. tapi bukan dwarf okai.
Eye color - dark brown.
Eye color you want - transparent?? ade tk?? haha..
Natural Hair color - black.
Current Hair color - ade sedikit kemerahan/keperangan.
Short or long hair - panjang..........................
Ever dye your hair a bizarre color - bizarre ke?? tak kot. tp huduh!!! huh!!
Curly,Straight,Wavy - curly.
Last time you did something dramatic with your hair - highlight my hair. mintak merah tp karat yg die bagik. huhuhuduh!!
Glasses or contacts - gedik memakai contact lens pada suatu ketika dahulu.
Do you wear make-up - kadang kadang.
Ever had hair extensions - nvr.
Paint your nails - kalau rase nak kaler..kalerkan aje...

-In the opposite gender-

What color eyes - seblah purple seblah turqoise.
What color hair - ape ape pun bulih. ske hati die.
Shy or Outgoing - outgoing.
Looks or personality - personality comes first, then baru kehenseman ataupun kehuduhan.
Sexy or Cute - comeiii!!!
Serious or Fun - ikut keadaan.
Older or Younger than you - dn mind. can be younger asalkan matang. bak kat jaja n yaya. hah!
A turn on - cukup kalau tau die solat 5 waktu sbb melalui solat die akan menyempurnakan sifat yg lain. i-Allah. *aiceh*
A turn off - liar? hot-tempered? ntah la labu..

-This or that-

Flowers or Chocolate - choco
Pepsi or Coke - neither
Rap or Rock - rock
Relationship or One night stand - relationship
School or Work - school
Love or Money - love
Movies or Music - music
Country or City - city
Sunny or Rainy days - sunny
Friends or Family - BOTH

-Have you ever-

Lied - yea
Stole something - ade kot. sshhh.. cite lame...
Smoked - nah
Hurt someone close to you - i did and not once.. so sori:(
Broke someones heart - yea
Had you heart broken - yea
Wondered what was wrong with you - no idea. not good enough kot??
wish you were a prince/princess - i am a princess. puteri utk mama dan abah ku. kikiki...
Liked someone who was taken - yea
Shaved your head - nah.
Been in love - itukah cinta?
Used chopsticks - yea
Sang in the mirror to yourself - nvr, i shud try though. haha!!


Flower - cant think any
Candy - mars
Song - Di Shi Xing Xing by F.I.R
Scent - Fruity, Flowery
Color - Purple, White
Movie - The Lake House, Face Off
Singer - Jay Chou
Word - entah.
Junk food - asam asam yg masam manis
Website - youtube-ing.
Lotion - soalan apakah inih? <-- J&J Animal - saye bukan pencinta haiwan.

Ever cried over someone - ever
Is there anything you wish you could change about yourself - is
Do you think you're attractive - a BIG no.
If you had to choose a fairytale as your life what would you choose - The Little Mermaid.
Do you play any sports - used to.


The rules:-
Link to your tagger and post these rules.- List (8) random facts

about yourself and tag (8) people.

* saye suke dgr lagu cine wpon tk phm
* saye suke layan cite cite juge
* saye suke mkn bijirin berkhasiat.
* saye plg suke syn gates. nak satu bleyh?
* saye suke membazir kat brg brg yg bukan keperluan. sbg contoh, saye br lps beli mp3 player wpon mp3 player yg lame belum sepenuhnye rosak. hah!!
* saye suke dgr lagu kuat kuat.
* saye suke pantai!!
* lastly, name saya nurazimah. selamat berkenalan!!! ^^

8 org yg aku nak tag:

1. Pia Farhana
2. Zaida Zaini
3. Mieza Bloomgalz
4. Yatie Sakura-Chan
5. Yam
6. Ony
7. Madi
8. Eliana Anuar

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