Saturday, March 14, 2009



Saje bosan buat fyp.
Oleh itu nk buat tag pule.
Tgk diorg buat tag ni seperti seronok je.

Here goes:

Rules: It's harder than it looks! Copy to your own post, erase my answers, enter yours, and tag some people. Use the first letter of your name to answer each of the following questions. They have to be real . . . nothing made up! If the person before you had the same first initial, you must use different answers. You cannot use any word twice and you can't use your name for the boy/girl name question. Have Fun!!

1. What is your name: Jiji Oh Jiji
2. A four Letter Word: J E R K
3. A boy's Name: James. James bonTOT.
4. A girl's Name: Juli kekasih si romi.
5. An occupation: Jaga. iaitu seperti pak guard, mak guard, kakak guard mahupun abg guard.
6. A color: Jingga oh! (fuh hebat hebat! aku dpt pk kaler huruf J)
7. Something you wear: Jubah? (huiyooo sekali lagi!!)
9. A food: Jambu. setiap hari pun beli jambu di fudkot bb3. hehe.
10. Something found in the bathroom: JAMBAN!!(ni aku laju je jawab! Muahaha)
11. A place: Jail!! oh oh~
12. A reason for being late: JJJJJAAAAAMMMM~ walaupun aku bukan pemandu (ini idea yayang sbnrnya. keke =p)
13. Something you shout: Jai hooo~~~ u are the reason that i breathe, u r the reason i still beleive. eh eh ternyanyi pulak.
14. A movie title: Jurassic Park! cite dinosour yg tak disukai.
15. Something you drink: Jus buah-buahan. tropika.. oh la la~ (nyanyi cm lagu fran)
16. A musical group: Jimmy Eat World
17. An animal: Jellyfish. (ehem ehem. hebat kan?)
18. A street name: Jalan Teratai 1/8. oh! itu alamat rumah saya. hihi.
19. A type of car: Jaguar oh!
20. The title of a song: Jong jong inai mak ipoh rajawali~ e ah e ah~

Pc dayam mencacat sejak smlm.
Pagi td die pulang ke rumah ambil cd yg diperlukan utk membaiki.
hebat hebat.
Akhirnya berjaya direpair tanpa perlu ke kedai.

Hari ni juga patutnya ada Part HS5 1st Anniversary.
Di times square. dekat aje.
tapi perasaan mls nk pergi menebal.
dgn pk byk keje nk kene buat.
(Ecece. ayat konon rajin ar nih??)
Ptg kak ikin call. berckp tepon sbntr dpn popcorn.
kwn di dlm game itu.
Budak guild pun ajak pergi tp malas juge.
Tapi ada sorg budak guild cm palat je.
Buat sakit hati tu psl malas nk pegi!!
terasa rugi juge tp da terlambat.
Event smpi kol 5 ptg.
Skarang jam 4.30 dan jiji di blk mengadap pc.

video edited by ikilola.

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