Tuesday, April 7, 2009

DARN! >?<

Too many things happened, and yet cant share with anyone.
Whenever i call her to distract me *from everything*, she was so busy doing her stuffs.
And end up not talking to her.
end up bottled up all the things inside me.

one word that can describe me best right now.
loaded of works need to do.
tapi sebab perasaan malas.
satu haprak pun tak jadi.

Prom end of this month.
Clutch= x
Shoes= x
Tudung= x
inner pun tk beli lagi nih.

FYP = nak DROP! bole tk?
sebab kemalasan diri sendiri.
akhirnya satu apa pun tk siap lagi.
nk cakap ngan abah n mama, imah nk extend another 1 year.
to re-do my fyp. and maybe take CCNA during that period.
but i'll know their asnwer for sure.
they won't let me.
But, to be honest it's not like i want to, it's just that i have to!
SERIOUSLY, my fyp isn't going anywhere.
even if i do grad mid of this year, dgn pointer mcm haram.
plus no certified dr mana-mana, no company will hire me for sure!!
Ergh!! dgn tgh recession skang ni.
TM? jgn harapla.
Okeh! tutup cite psl fyp!

Semalam baca blog angah.
And there's something fishy about her post.
So, i asked her: apa dan siapa yg angah mksdkan lam entri angah?
n turned out orang itu ialah ahli keluarga kitorg.
Sorg pun tak tahu anak die da kawen.
Paling teruk sekali rupanya siap da bercucu.
mksdnya, aku ada 5 anak buah selain hadif, hazim, zaim dan hafiz.
da 3 bulan since menantu-nya beranak, baru skarang cite ni terbongkar.
bagus sgt lah tu!
Maybe, diorg ada mslh yang tk bole di-elakkan, tu psl tk ajak time kenduri kawen,
but still.. anak dah 3 bulan kluar dr perut ibu nya.. baru skang nk bagitau?!
Maktok dtg kl, barulah nak pergi ngadap nak nangis-nangis??
Hurm hurm...
Apa yg dah jadi, dah jadi da pun.
Harap-harap takkan ada pergolakan dalam keluarga aku dah.

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