Thursday, December 27, 2007


Survey dari Frenster. Curik dari ajie. Hehe^^

01. What does your shout out mean?
maksudnye kalau tatau camane nak amik berat.
"If i don't know, then i can't care"

02. What does your default photo mean?
saye suke pantai. wee^^

03 . Who is the first person on your top frens?
noOne. tak letak top frens pun.

04. What are you wearing right now?
tshirt ku dan suar kotak lili.

05. What's your current problem?
final exam!! exam!! exam!!

06. Do you have a Date on this fine day?
tadak date pun.

07. What makes you the happiest?
keluarga dan juga rakanku.

08. Have you ever met anyone from fwensta?
ade je. muahaha.

09. What were you doing at midnight last night?
tgk A7X making album. yeah!!!

10. Do you have a gay friend?
ntah. takde kot.

11. What are your nervous habits?
byk jer.cume tatau nak list. huahua.

12. Ever had a near death experience?
lemas di sunway lagoon. haha.
takdela smpi nak mati pun.

13. What are u doing right now?
buat survey inih!

14. What's the name of the song that stuck in your mind right now?
I Won't See You Tonight Part 1 by A7X
Nothing Lasts Forever by Maroon 5

15. Any celebrity you would marry?
ade. nak Encik Synyster Gates satu plz!!

16. Who will cut and paste this first?
takde sape kot. sume bizi stadi.

17. Name someone with the same birthday as you?
so far takde pun same bday.

18. Have you ever vandalized someones private property?
saya baik tak buat bende jahat. haha>:)

19. Have you ever been in love?
adakah itu dipanggil cinta? hikhik;p

20. Have you ever sung in front of a large group?
time skola ade kot.

21. What's the first thing you notice about the OPPOSITE sex?
hair.. kot? tah!

22. What does your 4th text message you sent say?
Err, if abah did transfer some money then sure can la.
but i already refuse la pg td. haish. huahua.
-tah zaman bilenye msg tah-

23. What does your last received text say?
Hey u! thx 4d bday wish aite! reli appreciate it! Thx 4d GIE ok.d most cutest froggie ever.
Huhu. Luv u so much! Bday gal,jaja-:)
-skali lagi, tah zaman bilenye msg tah. kan jaja kan. :))-

24. Have you ever hurt yourself on purpose?
kak ikin once told me " love urself, not hurt urself"
aiyak! haha.. da tak buat da!!!

25. Say something totally random about you?
rambut slalu panjang aje!

26 . Has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity?
ade ke? ade ke?

27. Do you do karaoke?
ade bape kali ntah. sbb pia ngan jaja ajak.
sronok sronok!

28. Do you listen to Michelle Branch?

29. What is the closest thing to you?
my precious yoshi!

30 . Do you have anything pierced?

31. Do you eat fish?

32. Do you like pain?
tak. tapi dulu waktu tgh bongok ske je kalau ley ilangkan kesusahan di dlm hati.
ntah pape tah.

33. Do you like to shop?
sape tak ske shopping. shopping kat food court hb3 bwh ni pun i ske tau!

34. Whose bed did you last sleep in?
lili nye. haha. sbb kalau bgn tido mmg kene singgah katil die dulu.

35. What was the last thing you paid for with a credit card?
takde credit card pun.

36. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
Malia Carey. ntah sape tah tu.

37. What is the background on your desktop/laptop?
gambar a lil girl tgh tgk sunflower.
taken from pixelgirlpresents.

38. Do you have any weird relatives?
ade ade!!

39. Any weird friend?
ade ade!!

40. What was the last movie you watched? with who?
Enchanted - wawa, yaya, jaja

41. When is the best time to hang out?
bebile pun bole.
dgn laju jiji berkata "jom, pegi jalan!!!"

42. What is your favorite mall to shop at?
setakat nih Ou kot. byk kedai. yeehaaa!

43. Recent pair of shoes/slippers you bought?
sandals from nose. cantik cantik! i like!

44. What song are you listening to now?
Afterlife by A7x

45. Do people think you are beautiful?
nope. i am gemu. so shut the hell up!


Monday, December 24, 2007

A day...

went to klcc last fri sbb mlm tu nak meet up ngan abg then go to kl tower utk amik keta abah, then fetch mama from on-call then straight to tasik titiwangsa. wee^^ Finally, i get to go there. Tapi, byk plak mslhnye. kebetulan plk hari tu 1st day period and onli god knows how i felt that day. dgn sakit pinggang dan perut and kak ikin still in the fitting room trying some baju. my leg became seriously sgt sakit and i can't even stand. so i squatted there, dlm mng and everybody were looking at me macam org bongok. dan haku peduli hape. sbb sgt sakit.

so kak ikin suggested that we shud go lepak minum sumwhere or tgk wayang. i was like, okei.. ape apela. then bile pegi kat TGV giller ramai org so i suggest to her that we just go to surau so that bole baring. but then kene marah plk. sbb lg 2 jam br abg habis keje. so nak lepak kat surau buat ape... terbegado skejap disitu.

so we went to secret recipe... dan kat sini lain plk cite. kitorg order fries, gourmet pie, white choc macadamia and mineal water. simplest thing pun tak reti. servis lmbp nak mampos. mintak white choc mac die bagik mango delight. mintak mineral water die bg botol tak bagi cawan. bile mintak cawan, die bg cawan kosong takde ais. urghhhh!! haku ngan kesakitan sgt marah nye.
and then, satu insiden yg tak patut terjadik. kak ikin saw sumone in the kitchen ate our fries. i was ke? takpela.. nk komplen ke..? lantak la.... and suddenly i pulak yg nmpk someone else's hand amik fries .. our fucking french fries ... bukan satu pulak tuh. besar pulak tuh and onli god knows what they do with that fries. haku ngan sakit perut gi kat tepi dapur tuh pastu ckp

"excuse me. ni fries kitorg kan?"
"ye kot"
"how come tadi ade nmpk org amik fries nih?"
"eh, mane de"
"2 kali tau. 1st, my sis yg nmpk, and then saye!! ape igt kitorg nih bute kee??!!"
"eh, btol takde"
"mcm nih ke cara korg kerja? makan makanan customer?"
"ok, kitorg tuka fries nih"
"ni bukan mlsh fries kene tukar. ni mlsh care korg bekerja!"
............. yadda yadda yadda....

pastu bile ade waiter da hanta fries, tetibe org dr dlm dapur kuar dtg kat meja kitorg

"cik, maaf psl kejadian tadi. kitorg amik fries sbb nak buang yang hitam."
haku dlm hati...mengaku pulak amik. tadi taknak ngaku!
"kalau buang yg hitam, ni ade je.knape tak buang yg nih, yg nih sekali? byk je yg hitam"
"ouh, yg nih hitam sikit jer."
alasan tak bley pakai. bodo punye orang. lantak kau la kau buat ape ngan fries kitorg.
kalau buang bagus la. kalau makan, haku haramkan!!!
menyirap btol!

dlm kol 7 jumpe abang kat secret recipe. then, we walked to kl tower dr klcc. sgt mencabar k. time tuh pun perut da tak sakit. hik hik. pastu tgk abah buat projeknye. lighting kat kl tower. hehe. kebetulan ada wedding kat sane, so mcm ramai pulak kat kl tower malam tuh. and then straight to tasik titiwangsa- Eye On Malaysia. tak dpt naik, sbb ramai sgt orang. tgkp gamba pun jadi la.

abah dgn lampu lampu menara.

eye on malaysia. hik hik^^

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Hari Raya AidilAdha^^

Balik rumah malam rabu after klas. Ya Allah!! sgt sakit kepala. rase cam nak mengamuk pun ade dlm klas. da la asik berpindah kelas. 3 jam pulak tuh! ni sume sbb Mr Jaya nak abiskan lec last week gak. tak kisahla. so next week adalah study week!!! hehe.. meaning bulih cuci mata di library. hellyeah i luv study week!!! Haha..

Anyway, balik ke topik asal. Hari Raya Haji tahun ni sgt seronok sebab sumer pun ade. Menu utama ialah Nasi dagang, sedap sedap. Aktiviti yg lain seperti biasa tangkap gambar , orang dtg makan and all the stuffs yang slalu ade time raye..kecuali duit raye!! dan sgt puas hati balik hari tuh sbb dapai main dengan due buah hati yg tersangatlah cumil dan menawan hati daku ketika inih!!! hehe^^

Hazim dan Hadif^^

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

me tired!

Finally, get to watch ENCHANTED!! Wee. sgt sronok^^

sebelum tu pergi OU mencari sweater kat DP. tapi sweater kesukaan tu da sold out. sedey je.
so jalan jalan shopping makan yadda yadda yadaa........

skang nih. PENAT!! ngan esok nak kene submit lab report tapi satu habuk pun tak siap lagik.
PLUS nak bukak booth plk esok. nak kene jual hotdog. huwaa....

Yaya sedang melihat kecacatan jaja. Aksi sebelum masuk cinema.

Yaya suap wawa makan donut big apple kat luar mines. sedap sedap!

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Johnny Depp's New Movie

rase boring malas nak blaja so saje la browse some new movies kat yahoo!movies dan tetibe...

Johnny Depp's new movie.. coming soon this January 3,2008!!


Muvi ni cam musical. so kite leh tgk la camane johnny depp nyanyi.

Saturday, December 1, 2007


dis week sgt bizi ngan cyberP nye assignment.
sile masuk website ini utk keterangan lanjut.

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