I just checked my supp result and alhamdulillah i pass maths4. Yay!! To repeat maths4 for the second time is the last thing i have on my mind. Seriously tk sanggup utk ulang kali kedua. So (for now) i dn hv anything that will mengacau bilaukan dan memberatkan kepala hotak ini kecuali loan YTM yang masih tak dpt lagi padahal org lain siap da bulih shopping lagi :( So to make things clear, i went to finance today and asked them about this ytm-loan-matter and they said mine n others hv some internal problem regarding the sponsorship status. Huh? tak prnh prnh ade prob tetibe ade plk. Tak kisahla. Malas nk pk da lagipun duit bil abah dah bg da. Lantaklah duit nak masuk bile.
Okay. Now, lemme list out what are the thingsss that i
* Pay the debts.
* Roxy Bag
*MNG T-Shirt
* MNG Jeans
* Padini Tote Bag
* Vincci Wedges
*Mp3 Player
and the list goes on and on =p
* Roxy Bag
* MNG Jeans
* Padini Tote Bag
* Vincci Wedges
and the list goes on and on =p
Mama went to Sydney last week. She bought me a white sweater yg sgt simple dan jiji sgt suke. So i dn have to buy the new one. Yay!! Love u Mama!! and she bought me this one cutie Encik Buller yg berasal dari Mount Buller dan cutie birdie. My babes pulak dpt koala bear. Hihi.
Yang berada di tgh itu ialah my new mp3 player. nak hitam tp sold out. Last week ade tech fair so saje tgk ape ade n i found dis cheap and useful thing. Tapela kalau kate ciken brand but at least 2GB for RM160 siap dpt free gift musicbox and etc. ok apa kan? Ade warranty setahun so kire berbaloi la. Yay!!
And my dreamy-whitey-mng-tshirt akhirnya dpt ku beli dgn 50% less. Inilah yg sgt disukai bile ade sale. Tak kisahla kalau juju ngan yaya pun ade t-shirt yg same. Macam tak biase pule. Hehe. Lagipun i fell for it when i 1st saw t-shirt itu tergantung di lot 10(kot. tak igt pule) Saya tidak akan mensia-siakan peluang yang ada ketika ini. Muahaha =p
itu shj entry kali ini. Sbnrnye bukan nak bazirkan duit ytm loan tu. Ade je simpan jugak duit loan tu skit kat ASB. cume skang tgh sale dan sgt rugi kalau tak shopping skang. kan kan? Da la my babes da shopping dgn gumbiranya. Huwaa! Cite robot tu pun tak tgk lagi tp diorg da tgk da. Pia, jom tgk tranformes jom! takkan nk tggu cyber tracker kot :(
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